Sunday, 30 October 2011

Don't be late

The first meeting

The first time you meet someone for coffee, dinner, whatever is very important.  It gives that first impression and sometimes first impressions can be hard to change.

The guy I had a date with yesterday gave a very bad first impression.

I met this guy online (pof) and after a few messages he manned up an asked me out.  We had plans to meet at a local coffee place at 3pm.  He texted me at 2:45 to change the place as he liked the coffee better somewhere else.  He could have mentioned that in the morning when we made the plans but ok.  I was there a little before 3 when he texted that he was going to be 15 minutes late but apparently had a very good reason.  hmmm.

Then he told me what he was wearing and what car he was driving.  Makes sense.  Then he asked me what I was wearing...and what kind of car I was driving.  What I'm wearing makes sense...the car thing...not so much.

I had to go to the bank anyways so I went while I was waiting.  During this time he asked if I had kids.  And if I wanted kids. do not know me.  Do not ask those questions.  What the hell!  At least meet me first.  That and I clearly answer both of those questions on my profile which apparently you did not take the time to look at.  I'm guessing he looked at the pic and that was it.

Went back to the coffee place.  By this time he texted that he was going to be at least another 5 minutes late.  I decided that if I got through the line and he still wasn't there I was out of there.  But I was getting the coffee.

And so I left.  After 25 minutes.  He gave me no explanation but was really sorry.  He wanted to go feed ducks with me today. 

No dice dude.  You had your chance and blew it.

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